

小芳老师 2022-06-09




 每日口语 | 走遍美国

1. 先看视频,了解大致情节。

2. 再听音频,盲听音频3-5遍,大致听懂。

3. 通过文本,学通全部内容。

4. 再听音频,模仿跟读练习语音和口语。

5. 盲听音频,最后盲听音频尽可能多遍,听出画面感。




ACT 2-1  “让我想想。”

Robbie: Don't worry, Alexandra. We'll find the owner.

Alexandra: How, Robbie?

Robbie: Let me think.

Alexandra: Gemma, sit. Good Gemma. Give me your paw. Good Gemma. This dog is well trained.

Robbie: She likes you, too.

Alexandra: So how are we going to find the owners?

Robbie: With a little help from the ASPCA, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. They're the ones. We once found a cat. She was caught in the branches of our tree. And Dad called the ASPCA. They came and solved the problem.

Alexandra: Robbie, let's call them.

Robbie: Let me see - ASPCA... Here it is. ASPCA Animal Shelter, 555-7700.

ACT 2-2  “咱们走吧,到动物收容所去。”

Linda: Hello, ASPCA.

Robbie: Hello, my name is Robbie Stewart. I have a lost dog I'd like to bring to you. How late are you open?

Linda: We're open till nine P.M.

Robbie: Thank you. I'll bring the dog over by nine.

Linda: Thanks. Bye.

Robbie: Thanks. Good-bye.

Alexandra: They're still open?

Robbie: They're open until nine o'clock. We have two and a half hours. Let's take Gemma by there now. They'll find the owner.

Alexandra: I hope so. I'm so sad to see this little dog without her family.

Robbie: I'm sure they'll find the owner. But if they don't, I'll adopt her. She's so cute. Look at those eyes. She's hard to resist. Don't you just love her?

Alexandra: I'd like to keep her, too. But I'll be going home to Greece at the end of the semester. She just wants love and affection. Come on, Robbie. Let's get her to the animal shelter, so they can find her owners quickly. Don't worry, Gemma. We'll get you home. It's not easy being away from home.

Robbie: Come on, poochie. Atta girl! Let's go. We're off to the animal shelter.

ACT 2-3  “我是认真的。”

Linda: Your name?

Robbie: Robbie Stewart. And this is Alexandra Pappas.

Linda: Your name will do, Mr. Stewart. Your address?

Robbie: 46 Linden Street, Riverdale.

Linda: Where did you find the dog?

Alexandra: She found us.

Linda: You tried calling the number on the collar?

Robbie: Yes, but the number's no longer in service.

Linda: And there's no address on the dog tag?

Alexandra: There's no other information.

Linda: No ID number. Without that, it's hard.

Alexandra: You will try to find the dog's owner.

Linda: Oh, we'll try, believe me.

Robbie: And if you don't?

Linda: Yes?

Robbie: If you don't…can I… can I adopt the dog?

Linda: Why, yes. If the owners don't claim the dog in forty-eight hours, then you can apply for adoption.

Robbie: How do I do that?

Alexandra: You really want to?

Robbie: Yes, I'm serious. If no one comes to claim Gemma, I'd like to adopt her.

Linda: It's not difficult.


Don't worry, Alexandra. 别担心,Alexandra。

We'll find the owner.我们会找到狗的主人的。

How, Robbie?怎么找,Robbie?

Let me think.让我想想。

Gemma, sit.Gemma,坐

Good Gemma.乖 Gemma。

Give me your paw. 把脚伸出来,

Good Gemma.乖 Gemma。

This dog is well trained.这只狗受过很好的训练。

She likes you, too.它也喜欢你。

So how are we going to find the owners? 那么,我们如何去找狗的主人呢?

With a little help from the ASPCA,请 ASPCA

the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.美国禁止虐待动物协会帮个忙。

They're the ones.找他们没错。

We once found a cat.我们有一次找到一只猫,

She was caught in the branches of our tree.被我们家树上的树枝夹住了,

And Dad called the ASPCA.爸爸打电话给 ASPCA,

They came and solved the problem. 他们来了,也解决了问题。

Robbie, let's call them.Robbie,我们给他们打电话。

Let me see -- ASPCA.... 让我瞧瞧—ASPCA ……

Here it is.在这里,

ASPCA Animal Shelter. ASPCA 动物收容所, 



Hello, my name is Robbie Stewart.喂,我叫 Robbie Stewart,

I have a lost dog I'd like to bring to you.我这里有一只失散的狗,我想送来给你们。

How late are you open? 你们那里开到多晚? 

We're open till nine P.M. 我们开到晚上九点。

Thank you.谢谢,

I'll bring the dog over by nine. 我在九点之前把狗送来。




Good-bye. 再见。

They're still open? 他们现在还开着?

They're open until nine o'clock.他们开到九点。

We have two and a half hours.还有两个半小时。

Let's take Gemma by there now. 我们赶紧把 Gemma 送去。

They'll find the owner.他们会找到主人的。

I hope so.希望如此。

I'm so sad to see this little dog without her family.看到这只狗没有家,我真难过。

I'm sure they'll find the owner. 我相信他们会找到狗的主人。

But if they don't, I'll adopt her. 如果找不到,我就收养它。

She's so cute.它真逗人喜欢。

Look at those eyes. 你看它的眼睛。

She's hard to resist. 它真是人见人爱。

Don't you just love her? 你能说你不喜欢它吗? 

I'd like to keep her, too. 我也愿意收留它。

But I'll be going home to Greece 但是我就要回希腊去了,

at the end of the semester. 就在这个学期结束的时候。 

She just wants love and affection. 她需要爱和关怀。

Come on, Robbie.走吧,Robbie。

Let's get her to the animal shelter,我们把它送到动物收容所,

so they can find her owners quickly. 好让他们很快找到它的主人。

Don't worry, Gemma.别担心,Gemma。

We'll get you home.我们会送你回家的。

It's not easy being away from home.离家独闯不容易。

Come on, poochie. 来吧,小家伙。

Atta girl!好女孩!

Let's go.我们走。

We're off to the animal shelter.我们这就去动物收容所。

Your name?你的名字? 

Robbie Stewart.

And this is Alexandra Pappas. 这位是 Alexandra Pappas。

Your name will do, Mr. Stewart.你的名字就够了,Stewart 先生。

Your address?你的住址?

46 Linden street, Riverdale. Riverdale,林登街 46 号。

Where did you find the dog?你在什么地方找到这只狗的?

She found us.它跑到我们那里去的。

You tried calling the number on the collar?是否照狗脖子上项圈的电话号码打过电话了?

Yes, but the number's no longer in service.打过,但那个号码是空号。

And there's no address on the dog tag?牌子上没有地址?

There's no other information.没有其他资料。

No ID number.没有识别号码吗? 

Without that, it's hard. 没有就难办了。

You will try to find the dog's owner. 你们会尽力去找寻狗的主人吧。

Oh, we'll try, believe me.哦,我们会想办法,相信我。

And if you don't? 要是你找不到呢? 


If you don't ... can I ... can I adopt the dog?要是你们找不到狗的主人,我可否……,我可否收养这只狗?

Why, yes.当然可以。

If the owners don't claim the dog in forty-eight hours,如果狗的主人在四十八小时内不认领,

then you can apply for adoption. 你就可以申请收养它了。 

How do I do that?我该办什么手续呢?

You really want to?你真想要这样做?

Yes, I'm serious.是的,我是真心的。

If no one comes to claim Gemma, 如果没有人来认领 Gemma,

I'd like to adopt her.我愿意收养它。

It's not difficult.这不难。



备考专辑:英专听力50篇 & 20天四级单词 &  60篇高分范文  

语音单词:美音发音视频教程 英音发音视频教程 @ 名师课堂100集

新闻英语:VOA标准 & VOA慢速 & BBC新闻 18BBC地道英语

歌曲TED:  听歌学英语 & TED合集 & 18年歌曲合集 & 19年歌单

美文故事:  双语美文30篇 & 有声双语48篇 & 听名著学英语 & 图说英文

名字外教:男生版 & 女生版 & 搞笑版 & 命运版 & 外教课310合集 & 每日听写200集

